Selecting Countertops

Selecting Countertops

Quartz or Quartzite? Marble or Granite? Dolomite? There are many options when choosing a countertop material, but how do you choose the best one for your space? Below I will compare the countertop materials that are most used and give you some pros and cons to consider.

Think back to grade school science class. Remember learning about the different types of rocks and their properties? If so you may skip ahead, but if not, keep reading for a refresher. 

Every rock is classified into three different types of stone, depending on how they were formed. Metamorphic rocks formed from other rocks that are changed by heat and pressure underground (like marble and slate). Igneous rocks are formed from melted rock deep inside the Earth (like granite). Sedimentary rocks (like limestone) are formed from layers of sand, silt, dead plants, and animal skeletons. When we are talking about how these are related to countertops in the home we have a 4th type to consider, and we’ll call it “Man Made”.

You will also want to check the materials hardness on the Mohs’ Scale of Hardness. This is a 1-10 scale that geologists use to classify how hard a mineral is. This will tell you how easily the countertop will scratch. The lower the number, the easier it is to scratch and the higher the number the more resilience it has to scratching.

Consider the pros and cons to each of these stones to decide which is right for your home. Each of these are assigned to a number on the chart above but discussed below to provide extra information.

Marble: Metamorphic rock. Commonly used on floors, wall tiles, and mosaics. Can be used in low traffic counter areas. High-end and luxury selection. Requires intensive maintenance.

Dolomite: Sedimentary rock. Slightly more durable than Marble but less durable than Granite. Ok to use in low traffic counter spaces. Looks similar to marble but can be more affordable. Moderate-Intensive maintenance.

Granite: Igneous rock. Used in high traffic counter spaces. Low maintenance. Good heat resistance, and low chance of scratching. Many color, type, and price options.

Quartz: Man-Made Engineered stone. Used in high traffic counter spaces. Offered in many custom colors and has very low maintenance needs.

Quartzite: Metamorphic Rock. Used in high traffic counter spaces. Offered in many colors. This can come in lighter tones with textures veining similar to marble. You can achieve the look of marble but get the performance of granite.

Remember to always talk to your supplier, designer, or installer to decide if the countertops you have selected need regular maintenance, special cleaning supplies, or a regular sealer applied. If you take care of your stone countertops they will last beautifully for many years!

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